Frequently asked questions

How do I order?
You can contact us by phone or write us an email. Inquire now.
Do I need to order in advance?
Yes. We encourage everyone to contact us 2 days in advance for regular orders and 5 days in advance for customized designs to ensure availability. For 2-tiers and above customized cakes, please place your orders at least 1 month in advance.
Do I need to pay in advance?
For all pick-up and delivery orders, we kindly ask for a 50% downpayment.
Can I have my orders shipped to me?
Yes. We deliver within Metro Manila through Grab express service.
Where can I pick-up my orders?
Please note of the address and click on the map provided here.
How do I store my cakes and pastries?
We recommend that you consume your orders within the day. For later consumptions, you may store cookies, cupcakes and cakes in an airtight container inside the refrigerator. It will be good for 3-5 days.
Does That Julie Baked cater for special events?
Yes. That Julie Baked creates cakes and pastries for special events such as birthdays and weddings. For more information contact us here.
How can I follow That Julie Baked on social media?
Stay connected with That Julie Baked on all our social media channels: